Being human

“Man has forgotten his sacred powers” by Valérie Mallet

Being human, what does that imply? Nature and man both have the power to create the diversity, to reinvent themselves, survive, reproduce themselves, to assimilate the light, to bring out the beautiful, nourish, embellish, suffer, breathe, communicate, to put themselves in society, to be coherent in groups, to organize a hierarchy, to choose to mutate, to migrate, to die or to be born too…. but the task of man towards the living is different.

What is it ? Its individual power, as an individual, to understand what is not divisible, its unity, its oneness. His ability to decide on his own.

The human nature? Here is all the complexity. The complexity of his intelligence, which passes through several layers to think. To get out of the cause and of the effect. The labyrinthine mind. Man is an animal who has chosen the labyrinth. This is why he often has to backtrack to find his way back. Knowing that the point of arrival is none other than the point of departure, augmented by the experience.

So which direction to take? No unique way, but one unique sense, that of the evolution, not of the metamorphosis, but of the transfiguration, of the ascension. Man has an aspiration to grow - a duty.

The tree as well... Yes, but it's to catch more light. Chief of the forest of men, that should not be the goal of man. Man should not grow by the gaze of others, but for himself. The sovereign man (1).

What does nature teach us? That it does its job very well, that it is consistent in its function and that in its observation one can detect the values of the Creation.

That is to say? Integrity, respect for the living. The natural order of things, do not go against the grain of the cycles, beyond what we exist for. Man by looking at nature could understand what relates to him and how to rely on it to accomplish his task. It is an ally, even when it seems violent and unfair. Nature does not know how to lie. Man has veiled his face, no longer knows how to look at what is around him. What could help him understand the great philosophies of life. Nature teaches you how to find your wisdom. Your power is real, but it is of a different order. You know very well that the lightning, a storm at sea, a tsunami, a tiger, are stronger than you. Then the determination of your mind should mate with the power of nature. If a man is a wise man ... he must be pointing to the horizon. If nature frees up, it's because you are instilling wrong schemes unto it. It does like you do, it loses the direction of its walk. It is up to man to set the example.

What example? How to organize, cherish, preserve, embellish, venerate the living. Man is there to bring his wisdom, his experience of the living ... he spoils everything like a spoiled child who has forgotten the subject of his desire, the object of his existence.

Are animals afraid of death? No and neither are the children. Your conception of finitude is the weapon of your perdition. Man is infinitude in his potential, only the experience in his temporality is finite.

What is the meaning of human life on Earth? At the outset, bring his experience of the sacred, that is to say consecrate, bless the living. Venerate it, ensure that biodiversity on Earth is sustainable (2).

We are seeing the opposite? Yes, because man has forgotten his sacred powers and is only concerned by obtaining quite the powers. You have to turn the wheel in the other direction, it does not mean going back, but pushing life further towards its refinement, the purification and the complexity of its structure. Man must make light exist. Man is an officiant. He became the soldier of an infernal machine, while he should be at the commands (3) of an ideal creation. Also, it’s up to man to become more Human, that is to say worthy of his state.


1- See the article Sovereignty

2- Latin, the words homo and humus come from the Indo-European root ghyom, which meant Earth.

3- In the meaning of “direction”