What is wellness?
“Taking care of yourself, others, the Earth
All in unison, in equal motion,
All in harmony, in wholeness and health,
You and I and earth, the perfect union,
Here and there and now, what truly matters.
Just exercising or doing healing,
Living just for one, or all the others,
What is the ultimate point of being
If this means separation, exclusion,
If this then creates madness, selfishness?
Wellness is whole, is home, is all of us,
Wellness is the play of true connection,
When all the mundane becomes mindfulness,
When the true anchor is called compassion.”
Is Wellness,
Integration and presence,
Observation and compassion,
Patience and community,
Dancing, surrendering,
Balance and affection,
Respect and reflection,
Purification of the mind,
Connection with your body,
Acceptance and forgiveness,
Understanding plants,
Listening to trees
Believing children,
A prayer,
A state of being,
An act of courage,
The art of self discovery,
And all of the above?